I ordered a copy of Darkest Communion with its new cover and amazing formatting courtesy of the fabulous JC Clarke. It's so purty!!!! This book needs to be on shelves everywhere. Also, I need to write the next one in this world. Sorin's story. For all you fans of the fang, of vampire stories in the tradition of old-world Strigoi layered within a dark romance and gypsy magic....order yourself a copy! Available in paperback (once again, it's so purty!!!), and ebook. But seriously, paperback! Holding it in your hands is the best. Smelling the ink...the greatest! I love books. Don't you? You can order the paperback through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and in the U.K., through Waterstone's, Foyles, and Blackwell's. Find your preferred U.S. retailer here: https://books2read.com/b/m2JWGm Waterstone's: https://www.waterstones.com/book/darkest-communion/michele-e-gwynn/j-c-clarke/9781732454651 Foyles: http://www.foyles.co.uk/witem/fiction-poetry/darkest-communion,michele-e-gwynn-j-c-clarke-9781732454651 Blackwell's: https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/Darkest-Communion-by-Michele-E-Gwynn-author/9781732454651